The Institute of Chemistry (IQ) of UNESP – São Paulo State University will hold on November 7th, the symposium Recent Advances in NMR Spectroscopy: The Powerful Tool will be Basic and Applied Research.
The event will have the participation of Kurt Wüthrich, honored with Nobel Prize 2002 in Chemistry for its work on structural macro-molecule determination in solution making use of nuclear magnetic resonance (RMN). In the occasion also Platform II of RMN of the IQ, will be installed with support of “Programa Equipamentos Multiusuários” (EMU) of the FAPESP – São Paulo Research Foundation.
For the platform three spectrometers had been acquired: one of 600 MHz with system cryo-probe; one of 400 MHz, for solids – one of the most modern instruments of Latin America in the modality; and one of 300 MHz to be operated by students and also for students to be trained in the technique of organic analysis.
The new acquisitions join to the others two spectrometers of the Platform of RMN I, beyond probes and accessories. Diverse spectroscopic techniques are applied in samples in the states liquid and solid to take care of to the demand generated for the groups of research of the IQ and for other institutions of the Unesp and other institutes of research and universities.
Beyond the support to education and the research, the RMN platforms offer external services, in interaction with industries of the State of São Paulo and other regions of the country.
The symposium will be carried through in the building of the IQ, located in the Rua Francisco Degni, 55, Quitandinha, in Araraquara, São Paulo.
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