
CIBFar offers refresher course for elementary school teachers from São Carlos and region

The Interactive Science Space (CIBFar / CEPID / FAPESP), in partnership with the São Carlos Regional Education Directorate (SEE-SP), is offering the course “Utilization of experiments and three-dimensional models in molecular biology teaching for basic education” about 40 teachers in the area of Natural Sciences. The course began in August 2019 and will last until December 2019, adding 10 face-to-face meetings held at the CDCC-USP and at the IFSC-USP Teaching Labs. Each participating school will receive a teaching kit (see illustrative photo) for assembling three-dimensional models of nucleic acids and amino acids and secondary protein structures, which can be used in the classroom with up to 10 student groups. The didactic strategies for using these models with primary school students are discussed in these meetings.

Event Photos