Profs. Leila Maria Beltramini, Nelma R. Segnini Bossolan and Educator Gislaine Costa dos Santos taught the course:
“Biomolecules: theoretical bases and teaching methodologies”,
to teachers from public basic schools, DRE-São Carlos-SEE-SP from natural science areas.
The course was conducted from June until December/2019, with the support of graduate students and Pós docs of CIBFar for the practical tutorial classes.
Prof. Nelma R.S. Bossolan and Educator Gislaine C. dos Santos.
Specialization course taught by CDCC-SC-USP, 2019/2020:
“Methodology of the Teaching of Natural Sciences”.
Discipline: Current Topics in Science Education.
Prof. Leila Maria Beltramini and Educator Gislaine C. Santos.
Elective class denoted “Conde Medicinal Garden”, to high school students from
Escola Estadual Conde do Pinhal”, initiated in February/2020. The class was
paralyzed as a function of pandemic.