
Postdoctoral in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis with FAPESP Scholarship

From the FAPESP Agency – The Chemistry Institute of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) offers two post-doctorate opportunities in organic synthesis / catalysis and in computational analysis with the FAPESP Fellowship. Deadline for registration ends on August 18, 2017.

The grants are linked to the Thematic Project “New frontiers in palladium mediated cross-coupling reactions: Associating enantioselective catalysis, C-H activations, new materials and flow reactions, aiming for high efficiency and sustainability in synthetic processes.”

The project is developed in the Laboratory of Synthesis of Bioactive Substances of the Institute of Chemistry, coordinated by Carlos Roque D. Correia, which has a well-equipped laboratory for research in synthesis and catalysis, and extensive experience in multi-stage organic synthesis, homogeneous enantioselective catalysis and Medicinal chemistry. The group also participates in the Center for Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drug Discovery (CIBFar), one of the Centers for Research, Innovation and Diffusion (CEPIDs) of FAPESP, headquartered at USP in São Carlos.

The two posdoctoral fellowships are for the organic synthesis / catalysis subareas and computational analyzes aimed at mechanistic studies involving transition metals, in particular palladium and / or nickel. The scholarships last two years, starting in September 2017.

The position in the organic synthesis / catalysis specialty is aimed at doctors with extensive experience in organic synthesis and / or development of modern synthetic methodologies, demonstrated through recent publications of the candidate. Experience in enantioselective homogeneous metal catalysis is desirable.

Already the position in the specialty of computational studies is aimed at doctors or recent doctors with strong experience in calculations involving transition metals, catalysis and application in mechanistic studies, proven from recent publications of the candidate.

Interested parties should send curriculum vitae, list of publications and two letters of recommendation to the supervisor Professor Carlos Roque Duarte Correia, by email (roque@iqm.unicamp.br).

Vacancies are open to Brazilians and foreigners. Those selected will receive FAPESP’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the amount of R$ 7,174.80 per month and Technical Reserve. The Technical Reserve of PD Grant is equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the scholarship and is intended to meet unforeseen expenses directly related to the research activity.

If the PD grant holders reside in different domicile and need to move to the city where the research institution is located, they may be entitled to a grant-installation. More information about the Post-Doctoral Fellowship of FAPESP is available in:
