By: PRP/USP – Pro-Rectory of Research / USP
The new coronavirus pandemic extolled the importance of science, but it tends to aggravate the scarcity of research resources in Brazil in the coming years. How to deal with it? What are the main challenges and opportunities for Brazilian science in this new economic, political and social context?
This will be the theme of the next USP Talks, which we invite you to participate, on September 1st, from 7 pm to 8 pm. Participants will be professors Glaucius Oliva and Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz. The event will be broadcast live on YouTube USP Channel, with opportunity for questions, at this link:
Glaucius Oliva is a professor at the São Carlos Institute of Physics, at USP; former president of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz is a professor at Unicamp’s Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute; former president and scientific director of the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp).
USP Talks is an initiative of USP’s Pro-Rectory of Research, with support from Jornal da USP.