Between October 28th and November 1st, the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC/USP) will be headquarters of the Workshop on Drug Design and Tropical Neglected Disease, an initiative of the Center of Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drug Discovery (CIBFar) and of the National Laboratory of Bioscience (LNBio).
The event has as main public-target scientists, who are involved with collaborative research, research with parasitic diseases, research for the design of new drug candidates and research related to the biochemist and molecular and structural biology..
During the workshop, 12 speakers will participate, also researchers of Argentina, Belgium and United States.
All interested in participating can make registration in address tab “Application“, where also it will be able to annex the summaries of scientific works to be presented during the event.
For more information, please access the official site of the event or contact the organizers Prof. Rafael Guido ( or Dr. Arthur Lamb (