
São Paulo State Academy of Sciences to swear in new board

By Agência FAPESP – The Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (Aciesp) will hold, on March 18, 2020, in São Paulo, the inauguration ceremony of the new board and scientists who will join the entity from 2020.

At the event, Aciesp will pay tribute to Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, current scientific director of FAPESP, who will present the conference “Notes on Science and Technology in São Paulo”. The meeting will also have a lecture by the future scientific director of FAPESP, Luiz Eugênio Mello. The title of your lecture will be “FAPESP, Science, Society”.

The meeting marks the beginning of the management of the new board of Aciesp, which is in charge of President Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani, professor at the Institute of Chemistry at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) in Araraquara. The vice president is Paulo Artaxo, professor at the Institute of Physics at the University of São Paulo (USP), and executive director Adriano Defini Andricopulo, professor at the São Carlos Institute of Physics at USP.

The new board is planning initiatives that bring objective gains to the community of São Paulo scientists. Among them, the holding of two workshops, in 2020, that will deal with themes related to innovation and the relationship between university research and the new scenario of the world bioeconomy.

The ceremony is closed and will be held from 5 pm to 8 pm, in the University Council Room of USP’s Rectory Building.

More information by e-mail  diretoria@aciesp.org .

Original article at the link:    http://agencia.fapesp.br/academia-de-ciencias-do-estado-de-sao-paulo-empossara-nova-diretoria/32713/